The Bloomsbury Centre for Bioinformatics

The Bloomsbury Centre for Bioinformatics

Director: Professor David Jones




The practical tutorials are available at the course webpages hosted on UCL Moodle:


Course attendees may access these using their Moodle login/ the logins provided at the practical sessions. 

** Please note that you must have a UCL login to access the course contents on Moodle (this login cannot be provided by the BCB). Please contact Moodle as soon as possible if you have any problems logging in.**


*Please note that as the contents of various databases are updated, answers to questions in the practical tutorials subsequently change. The contents of the practical tutorials are updated prior to the start of the course (twice a year), during which time the tutorials might not be accessible.


Summaries of the contents of the practical sessions are available here.




Practical Information for course attendees

The self-directed practicals are based on resources available on the web, and are designed to familiarise you with the publicly available tools and resources which may be useful to you in carrying out your own research.

Each practical consists of a number of exercises to be undertaken. At certain points you will be asked questions on the results of your efforts. Most of these will be marked by the computer at the end of each section and you will be given some information on the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly. Although none of the marks are recorded, you will have to attempt to answer each of the questions to progress. You are given a maximum of three attempts to get each question right. If you get stuck, the demonstrators will be happy to help out.

Demonstrators are present at the practical sessions to assist with any queries with the practical tutorial and to answer any questions related to the practical material.





Tutorials for some of the software packages used in the practicals are available here as Viewlets. At present these contain a brief introduction to RasMol and the molecular modeling package Swiss-PDB viewer.

SPDBV part 1
SPDBV part 1 (Windows executable)
SPDBV part 2
SPDBV part 2 (Windows executable)





In order to help explain some terms and acronyms you will meet in the course we have provided a short bioinformatics glossary. In the practicals, terms highlighted by dotted underlining link directly to the glossary.




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